Opinions of the CPC Central Committee and The State Council on Completing the Key Work of Comprehensively Promoting Rural Revitalization in 2022
Article source: Zhaodong City People's Government     Update time: 2022-11-15 10:06

At present, the global COVID-19 epidemic is still spreading, the world economic recovery is fragile, the challenge of climate change is prominent, and China's economic and social development tasks are extremely arduous。The Party Central Committee believes that to calmly cope with the century of change and the century of epidemic, and promote the steady and healthy development of the economy and society, we must focus on the major strategic needs of the country, stabilize the basic market of agriculture, do a good job in the work of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers", continue to comprehensively promote rural revitalization, and ensure stable agricultural production and increase, steady income of farmers, and rural stability and tranquility。

Work on agriculture, rural areas and farmers will be completed in 2022,要以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,We will fully implement the principles of the 19th National Congress and all its plenary sessions,We thoroughly implemented the guiding principles of the Central Economic Work Conference,Adhere to the general principle of seeking progress while maintaining stability,Based on the new development stage, implement the new development concept, build a new development pattern, and promote high-quality development,Promote common prosperity,We will uphold and strengthen the Party's overall leadership over work related to agriculture, rural areas and farmers,We will firmly uphold the two bottom lines of ensuring national food security and preventing large-scale poverty,Highlight annual tasks, targeted measures, and results-oriented,Give full play to the leading role of rural grassroots party organizations,We will do key work in rural development, construction and governance in a solid and orderly manner,We made new progress in rural revitalization and took new steps in modernization of agriculture and rural areas。

First, we will do our best to produce grain and supply important agricultural products

1. Keeping annual grain sown area and output stable。We must ensure that the rice bowl of the Chinese people is firmly in our own hands at all times, that the rice bowl is mainly filled with Chinese grain, that the Party and government share the same responsibility for food security, that the accountability system for food security is strictly assessed, and that the sown area of grain is stable and the output is kept at 1.More than 3 trillion pounds。Major producing areas, major marketing areas, and areas with balanced production and marketing should all maintain their area and output, continuously increase the overall grain production capacity of major producing areas, effectively stabilize and increase the rate of grain self-sufficiency in major marketing areas, and ensure that areas with balanced production and marketing are basically self-sufficient in grain。We will promote the development of national industrial belts for food security。We will vigorously carry out green, high-quality and efficient actions, deepen the quality grain project, and increase the yield and quality of grain per unit area。Promote deep water conservation and water control in agriculture in the Yellow River Basin, and stabilize the grain sown area by improving water use efficiency and developing dry farming。We should actively deal with the adverse effects of late sowing of wheat, strengthen field management in winter and spring, and promote the weak seedlings to become strong。

2. Vigorously implement projects to increase production capacity of soybeans and oilseeds。We will increase subsidies for crop rotation and incentives for large oil-producing counties,Focus on supporting appropriate regions, key varieties, and business service subjects,In the Huang-Huai-hai, northwest and southwest regions, corn and soybean belt composite planting will be promoted,Grain and soybean crop rotation was carried out in Northeast China,Pilot projects of water conversion to drought and rice conversion to soybean were carried out in some groundwater over-extraction areas and well irrigation areas in cold areas of Heilongjiang Province,Developing idle winter fields and expanding rapeseed cultivation in Yangtze River basin。Demonstration of soybean planting on saline-alkali land was carried out。We will support efforts to expand the area for planting camellia oleifera and upgrade low-yielding forests。

(3) Ensuring the supply of "vegetable basket" products。We will intensify efforts to implement the mayors' responsibility system。Long-term support policies to stabilize pig production, stabilize basic production capacity, and prevent production fluctuations。We will accelerate the expansion of beef, lamb and dairy production, and carry out pilot and demonstration projects to transform and upgrade grassland animal husbandry。We will stabilize the area of aquaculture and improve the quality of fishery development。We will keep the number of vegetable plots in large and medium-sized cities stable throughout the year, vigorously promote the construction of facilities for vegetables in the north and bases for transporting vegetables from the south to the north, and improve the emergency supply capacity of vegetables。We will improve the cotton price target policy。Explore the development of sugarcane full cost insurance and planting income insurance。We carried out pilot projects to renovate old natural rubber plantations。

4) Ensuring farmers' income from grain production at a reasonable level。We will improve the mechanism for ensuring farmers' income from grain production in accordance with the goal of making it profitable for farmers to grow grain and motivating major producing areas to harvest grain。By 2022, we will appropriately raise the minimum purchase prices for rice and wheat, stabilize the policies on subsidies for corn and soybean producers and subsidies for rice, and achieve full cost insurance for the three major grain crops and full coverage of planting income insurance in major grain-producing provinces and counties。We will increase incentives for major grain-producing counties and innovate cooperation mechanisms for grain-producing and marketing areas。We will support family farms, farmers' cooperatives, and leading enterprises in agricultural industrialization in growing more and better grain。Focus on key vulnerabilities and smallholder farmers,We will accelerate the development of socialized agricultural services,We will support agricultural service companies, farmers' cooperatives, rural collective economic organizations, community-level supply and marketing cooperatives and other entities in developing single-link, multi-link, and whole-process production trusteeship services,Carry out order agriculture, processing logistics, product marketing, etc,Improve the overall efficiency of grain farming。

5. Coordinated regulation and control of major agricultural products。We will improve the monitoring and early warning system for the whole industrial chain of agricultural products, promote the establishment of a unified system for releasing information on supply and demand of agricultural products, and strengthen regulation and emergency support by classifying agricultural products by varieties。We will deepen the reform of the supervision system and mechanism for the purchase and sale of grain, carry out special rectification, and strictly punish systemic corruption in accordance with the law。Strengthen the construction of smart grain depots, promote the combination of civil air defense techniques and defense, and strengthen the dynamic supervision of grain stocks。Strictly control the processing of fuel ethanol with corn as raw material。We will do a good job in the production of chemical fertilizers and other agricultural supplies, and ensure that supply and prices remain stable。Adhere to the priority of conservation, implement the food conservation action plan, deepen the production, transportation, storage, consumption and reduction of grain across the whole chain, strengthen food safety education, and oppose food waste。

Second, strengthen the basic support for modern agriculture

(6) Implement hard measures to protect cultivated land with "long teeth"。The Party and the government share the same responsibilities for farmland protection, and strictly adhere to the red line of 1.8 billion mu of arable land。According to the order of cultivated land and permanent basic farmland, ecological protection red line, urban development boundary,The three lines of control were delineated and implemented in a coordinated manner,The total amount of cultivated land and the position of the target and task of permanent basic farmland protection are broken down step by step,The central and local governments shall sign the target responsibility statement for cultivated land protection,As a rigid index to implement strict assessment, one vote veto, lifelong accountability。Arable land is mainly used for the production of grain, agricultural products such as cotton, oil, sugar and vegetables, as well as forage grass and feed; permanent basic farmland is mainly used for grain production; and high-standard farmland is all used for grain production in principle。Guide the new development of the forest and fruit industry uphill, encourage the use of "four famine" resources, and do not compete with grain land。We will implement and improve the policy of balancing the appropriation and replenishment of cultivated land, and establish a full-process supervision mechanism for project approval, implementation, acceptance, and management and protection of supplementary cultivated land, so as to ensure that the cultivated land that can be used stably for a long time is supplemented, and that the production capacity of supplementary cultivated land is equal to that of the cultivated land occupied。We will improve the overall state management of inter-provincial supplementary cultivated land。We will intensify supervision over the law enforcement of cultivated land and strictly investigate and punish illegal use of cultivated land for non-agricultural construction。We will strengthen control over the use of cultivated land and strictly control the conversion of cultivated land into other agricultural land。We will consolidate and improve the safe use of polluted farmland。We will steadily and orderly carry out pilot projects to improve the indiscriminate use of rural farmland for building houses。Consolidate the results of the special clean-up and rectification of the problem of "greenhouses"。We will implement a system for reviewing and examining the transfer of industrial and commercial capital to rural land and preventing risks。

7. Complete the phased task of building high-standard farmland。Increase investment through multiple channels, build 100 million mu of high-standard farmland by 2022, and build a total of 400 million mu of efficient water-saving irrigation area。Overall planning and simultaneous implementation of high-efficiency water-saving irrigation and high-standard farmland construction。All localities should intensify efforts to transform medium - and low-yielding fields and raise the level of cultivated land productivity。To study and formulate plans for increasing the irrigated area of farmland。We will implement water resources allocation projects for key water sources and major water diversion projects。We will intensify efforts to build more supporting facilities and renovate large and medium-sized irrigation areas, plan to build a number of modern irrigation areas in areas with suitable land and water resources, and give priority to building large and medium-sized irrigation areas into high-standard farmland。We will further promote the state black land protection project。80 million mu of black land has been cultivated under conservation。We will actively tap the potential to increase cultivated land, and support the appropriate and orderly development of reserve resources such as saline-alkali land into cultivated land。To study and formulate plans and implementation plans for the comprehensive utilization of saline-alkali land。We will improve saline-alkali land by classification, and promote the transition from the main saline-alkali adaptation crops to more saline-alkali tolerant plants。We will support the development of national demonstration zones for agricultural high-tech industries in saline-alkali and arid and semi-arid areas。The third national soil survey was launched。

8. Vigorously promote research on key agricultural core technologies such as seed sources。We will fully implement the action plan for revitalizing the seed industry。We will accelerate the survey and collection of agricultural germplasm resources and strengthen accurate identification and evaluation。We will promote the construction of major national innovation platforms in the seed industry。Major agricultural biological breeding projects will be launched。We will speed up the implementation of projects to tackle key core agricultural technologies, implement a system of "revealing the list and leading the way" and "linking ministries and provinces", and carry out pilot projects for long-term research and development。We will strengthen the development of modern agricultural industrial technology systems。We will carry out trials of subsidies for the development and promotion of major varieties。We will implement the Seed Law, implement the system of substantive derivative varieties, strengthen the protection of intellectual property rights in the seed industry, and severely crack down on illegal and criminal activities such as licensing infringement in accordance with the law。

(9) Improving the level of research and development and application of agricultural machinery and equipment。We will comprehensively sort out weaknesses, strengthen collaborative research on agricultural machinery and equipment engineering, accelerate the research and development and manufacturing of high-horsepower machinery, small machinery for hilly and mountainous areas, facilities and horticulture, and high-end intelligent machinery, and include them in the national key research and development plan for long-term stable support。We will implement subsidy policies for the purchase and application of agricultural machinery, and optimize the payment methods of subsidies。We will improve the mechanism for evaluating the performance of agricultural machinery, promote the availability and availability of subsidy machinery, and improve the quality of subsidy machinery. We will focus on supporting agricultural machinery such as grain drying, caterpillar operation, corn and soybean belt composite planting, and rapeseed harvesting, and promote large-scale composite intelligent agricultural machinery。We will promote the upgrading of emission standards for new agricultural machinery。We will carry out trials to integrate research, development, manufacturing and application of agricultural machinery。

10. Accelerating the development of facility agriculture。Facilities such as plastic greenhouses, solar greenhouses and multi-storey greenhouses will be developed according to local conditions。Focus on the construction of factory seedling facilities。We will encourage the development of new types of farming facilities such as factory intensive farming and three-dimensional ecological farming。Promote the development and application of facilities and equipment technologies such as the integration of water and fertilizer, feeding automation, and intelligent environmental control。On the basis of protecting the ecological environment, explore the use of vacant and abandoned land that can be developed to develop facility agriculture。

11. Effectively preventing and responding to major agricultural disasters。We will increase capacity building and investment in agricultural disaster prevention, mitigation and relief。We will repair agricultural and water conservancy infrastructure damaged by floods, and strengthen the dredging of ditches and canals, as well as the construction and management of reservoirs and pumping stations。We will strengthen reserves of emergency supplies for flood control and drought relief。We will strengthen monitoring and early warning systems for agricultural, rural, water conservancy, and meteorological disasters, and enhance our ability to respond to extreme weather。We will strengthen the system for prevention and control of animal and plant diseases at the community level, ensure that the responsibility for the prevention and control of major animal and plant diseases, such as African swine fever and Armyworm, is assigned to the localities, and the number of people assigned to the posts and positions is assigned, and the prevention and control of major animal and plant diseases is assigned, and the work is handled and managed。Prevention and control of the source of zoonotic diseases。Strengthen the prevention and control management of invasive alien species, do a good job of census monitoring, entry quarantine, domestic prevention and control, and have been introduced and caused serious harm, to "one kind of one policy" precise control, effective elimination。Strengthen research on the impact of medium - and long-term climate change on agriculture。

Third, we will resolutely uphold the bottom line of preventing large-scale return to poverty

12. Improving monitoring and support mechanisms。Accurately determine the monitoring objects, include farmers at risk of returning to poverty and suffering from sudden severe difficulties in the monitoring scope, simplify the work process, and shorten the identification time。In response to emerging problems such as disasters and epidemics, we will promptly implement social assistance, medical security and other assistance measures。Strengthen the implementation of monitoring and support responsibilities to ensure that there are no gaps in work and no gaps in policies。We will continue to carry out post-poverty evaluation work。

13. Promoting a sustained increase in the incomes of people lifted out of poverty。We will encourage areas out of poverty to rely more on development to consolidate and expand the achievements of poverty alleviation, so that people living out of poverty can live a better life。We will consolidate and improve industries with distinctive characteristics in areas that have been lifted out of poverty, improve the mechanism for connecting farmers with farmers, and increase the household income of people lifted out of poverty。Gradually increase the proportion of central government subsidies for rural revitalization used for industrial development, focus on supporting and helping industries to make up for shortcomings such as technology, facilities, and marketing, strengthen their leading role, and promote industrial upgrading。Consolidate the effectiveness of photovoltaic poverty alleviation projects, and develop the photovoltaic industry in areas where conditions are available for poverty alleviation。We will consolidate the responsibility of supporting employment and ensure a stable employment scale for the poverty-stricken workforce。We will deepen labor cooperation between the eastern and western regions and do a good job of transferring employment within the province。Continue to support the development of workshops preferential policies。Give play to the role of work instead of relief, and if conditions are met, the proportion of labor remuneration can be increased。We will make overall use of rural public welfare posts and implement dynamic management。Gradually adjust and optimize the ecological forest ranger policy。

(14) Increase support for key rural revitalization counties and resettlement areas for resettlement in inhospitable areas。We will implement a number of projects to strengthen weak spots and promote development in key rural revitalization counties。We will formulate an implementation plan for the effective connection between the achievements of poverty alleviation and rural revitalization in key counties of the national rural revitalization。We will do a good job in selecting and dispatching science and technology missions in key counties for rural revitalization, implement the system of industrial technology consultants, and carry out planned group-based assistance for educational and medical cadres and talents。We will establish and improve a monitoring and evaluation mechanism for the development of key counties for national rural revitalization。We will increase investment in credit funds and insurance guarantees for key counties in the national rural revitalization。We will improve supporting facilities and public services in resettlement areas, continue to increase industrial cultivation in resettlement areas, and carry out special actions to help relocated people find employment。We will implement measures such as household registration management, protection of legitimate rights and interests, and social integration of relocated people, and improve the governance level of relocated communities。

15. Promoting effective implementation of policies to help poverty-stricken areas。To maintain the overall stability of major support policies, refine the implementation of various support policies during the transition period, and carry out policy effectiveness evaluation。We will expand cooperation between the eastern and western regions, and deepen pairing assistance to districts, counties, village enterprises, schools, and hospitals。Under the framework of coordination and matching support between the East and the West, we will continue to carry out cross-provincial adjustment of the savings indicators linked to the increase or decrease of urban and rural construction land。We will continue to do a good job of providing fixed-point assistance to central government units。We will do a solid job in microfinance for people living out of poverty。We will create consumer support demonstration cities and production areas, and give play to the role of online sales platforms for agricultural and sideline products in poverty alleviation areas。

Fourth, focus on industries to promote rural development

16. Continue to promote the integrated development of the primary, secondary and tertiary industries in rural areas。We will encourage all localities to expand the multiple functions of agriculture, tap the multiple values of rural areas, and focus on developing agricultural product processing, rural leisure tourism, and rural e-commerce。We will support major agricultural counties in focusing on the processing of agricultural products, and guide enterprises to develop grain and oil processing and food manufacturing in production areas。We will promote the development of modern agricultural industrial parks and towns with strong agricultural industries, foster industrial clusters with advantages and characteristics, and continue to support the creation of a number of national demonstration parks for the integrated development of rural industries。We will implement a plan to improve rural leisure tourism。We will support the development of rural homestays and rural entertainment villages (sites) that are operated directly by or with the participation of farmers。Rural leisure tourism projects that meet the requirements will be included in the scope of science popularization bases and agricultural labor practice bases in primary and secondary schools。We will implement the project of "promoting agriculture through commerce" and promote e-commerce into rural areas。We will promote the standardized and healthy development of live streaming of agricultural and sideline products。We will carry out actions to improve agricultural varieties, improve quality, build brands, and enhance standardized production, promote the certification system for promising edible agricultural products, and improve the quality and safety traceability system for the whole industrial chain。We will accelerate the implementation of policies to ensure and standardize land use for the integrated development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries in rural areas。

(17) Vigorously develop county industries to enrich the people。We will support large and medium-sized cities in spreading their industries to counties and guide the orderly and gradual transfer of industries。We will vigorously develop industries within counties with obvious comparative advantages, strong ability to promote agriculture and rural areas, and large employment capacity, and promote the formation of a development pattern of "one county, one industry"。Strengthen innovation at the county level, and strengthen the integration of industrial chain and innovation chain。Accelerate the improvement of the county's industrial service functions, and promote the concentration of industries to the park and the strengthening and expansion of leading enterprises。We will guide qualified central towns to develop clusters of specialized small, medium and micro enterprises, and encourage key villages to develop rural workshops and home workshops。

(18) Strengthening the county business system。We will carry out a campaign to develop county-level businesses and promote the expansion, improvement and upgrading of rural consumption。Accelerate the layout of rural logistics express outlets, implement the "express delivery to the village" project, encourage the development of "multi-station integration" of township passenger cargo and post comprehensive service stations, "one point more capable" village level delivery logistics comprehensive service points, promote the joint distribution of logistics in counties and villages, and promote the integrated development of rural passenger cargo and post。Support large circulation enterprises to sink supply chains focusing on county towns and central towns。We will accelerate the implementation of the "Internet Plus" project to bring agricultural products out of villages and into cities, and promote the establishment of long-term and stable production and marketing connections。Promote the extension of cold chain logistics service network to rural areas, promote the construction of cold chain logistics facilities for storage and preservation of agricultural products in the whole county, and promote cooperation and joint operation and network supporting。We will support supply and marketing cooperatives in building and upgrading county-level circulation service networks and building county-level collection and distribution centers。

19. Promoting local employment and entrepreneurship among farmers。We will implement policies to ensure stable employment for all types of farmers。We will leverage the role of large and medium-sized cities in driving employment。We will improve the quality of the citizenization of rural migrant workers in counties。We will encourage the development of shared employment and flexible employment through multiple channels, standardize the development of new forms of employment, and foster the development of household services, logistics and distribution, care for the elderly, and other livelihood services。We will promote the construction of returnee business parks and implement various supporting policies。We will vigorously carry out skills training and training for new occupations and forms of business suitable for rural migrant workers。We will rationally guide rural migrant workers with flexible employment to participate in basic medical insurance for urban workers and basic old-age insurance for urban workers。

20. Promoting green agricultural and rural development。We will strengthen the comprehensive treatment of agricultural non-point source pollution, further promote the reduction of agricultural inputs, strengthen the utilization of livestock and poultry manure as resources, promote the scientific use and recycling of agricultural film, and support the comprehensive utilization of straw。We will establish a national pilot zone for green agricultural development。We will evaluate the green development of agriculture。Water system connectivity and the construction of beautiful villages will be carried out。We will carry out major projects to protect and restore the ecological environment of rivers and lakes, and strengthen the protection and restoration of natural forests and the restoration of grasslands。We will make scientific progress in greening the land。We will support the development of pastoral areas and increase the incomes of herdsmen, and implement the third round of subsidies and incentives for grassland ecological protection。Research and application of agricultural technology to reduce carbon and increase carbon sink, and explore the establishment of a value realization mechanism for carbon sink products。We will carry out major projects to protect biodiversity。We will consolidate the achievements of the Yangtze River fishing ban, strengthen resettlement guarantees for fishermen who retire from fishing, and strengthen regular law enforcement and supervision。Strengthen the conservation of aquatic organisms, regulate the proliferation and release。Establish a system of protected natural areas with national parks as the main body。We issued guidelines on promoting rural ecological revitalization。

Fifth, we will steadily promote rural development

21. Improving the implementation mechanism for rural construction。To implement the requirements of rural revitalization for farmers and rural development for farmers, adhere to the bottom-up, villagers' self-governance, and farmers' participation, launch the implementation plan for rural development, in accordance with local conditions, strong and orderly progress。Adhere to the quantity obey the quality, the progress obey the effect, seek good not fast, grasp the time and efficiency of rural construction。Carry out rural construction based on the existing foundation of villages, do not blindly demolish old villages and build new villages, do not go beyond the development stage to engage in large-scale financing, large-scale development and large-scale construction, avoid waste caused by ineffective investment, and prevent village-level debt risks。We will coordinate the layout of towns and villages, scientifically determine the classification of villages, accelerate the preparation of village plans for villages with conditions and needs, and strictly regulate the withdrawal and consolidation of villages。We will carry out demonstrations on the protection and utilization of traditional villages in continuous areas, and improve mechanisms for monitoring and evaluation, warning of withdrawal, withdrawal, and prior review of traditional villages。We will protect ethnic villages with special characteristics。Launch Operation to Save Old Houses。Promote simple approval of small village construction projects, standardize project management, and improve fund performance。To summarize and popularize the effective practices of villagers' self-governing organizations, rural collective economic organizations and peasants' participation in rural construction projects。Clarify the property rights of rural construction projects, and organize the compilation of the responsibility list of village public infrastructure management and protection with the county as the unit。

(22) Continued the five-year campaign to improve rural living environment。In light of the actual needs of farmers, we will upgrade rural toilets, promote water flushing toilets in places where conditions permit, and ensure water supply and sewage treatment.Those that do not have the conditions can build sanitary latrines。Consolidate the results of the rectification of household toilet problems。We will promote the treatment of domestic sewage in rural areas by areas and categories, giving priority to the treatment of densely populated villages, and promoting miniaturized ecological treatment and sewage resource utilization that are not suitable for centralized treatment。We will accelerate efforts to control black and odorous water bodies in rural areas。Promote the classification and reduction of household waste at source, strengthen the construction of comprehensive disposal and utilization facilities for organic waste in villages, and promote on-site utilization and treatment。We will continue to carry out village cleaning and landscaping campaigns。

23. Solid development of rural infrastructure in key areas。In an orderly manner, townships and towns will be connected to third-grade roads and above, and natural villages (groups) with large populations will be connected to hardened roads. We will implement life safety protection projects for rural roads and upgrade dangerous Bridges。We will steadily carry out trials to reform the management and maintenance system for rural roads。We will steadily promote automated monitoring of road conditions in rural areas。We will promote the construction and renovation of rural water supply projects and improve purification and disinfection facilities。We will deepen efforts to consolidate and upgrade rural power grids。We will promote the development of clean energy such as photovoltaic and biomass energy in rural areas。We will carry out projects to improve the quality and safety of rural housing, continue to renovate dilapidated rural houses and retrofit them against earthquakes, and improve standards and norms for building rural housing。We will strengthen the regulation of potential safety hazards in rural self-built houses used for business。

24. Vigorously promote the construction of digital villages。We will promote the development of smart agriculture, and promote the integrated application of information technology and agricultural machinery。Strengthen farmers' digital literacy and skills training。Rural public services will be empowered by digital technologies, and "Internet + government services" will be extended to rural areas。Focus on solving practical problems and expand the application scenarios of big data in agriculture and rural areas。We will accelerate the standardization of digital villages, study and formulate a development evaluation index system, and continue to carry out pilot projects for digital villages。We will strengthen the construction of rural information infrastructure。

25. Strengthening overall planning for basic public services at county level。We will accelerate urbanization with county towns as an important carrier。We will strengthen the development of inclusive, basic, and basic people's livelihood, and promote the transformation of the supply of basic public services from focusing on the coverage of institutions and administrative areas to focusing on the coverage of services for permanent residents。We will implement a new round of action plan for preschool education, accelerate the development of inclusive preschool education resources in rural areas through multiple channels, and do a good job in special education。We made solid progress in building a community of urban and rural schools。We will further promote the building of a tight county-level medical and health care community, implement payment based on the total amount of medical insurance, strengthen supervision and assessment, and ensure that surplus is retained and reasonable overspending is shared。We will promote the informatization construction of medical insurance in rural grassroots designated medical institutions, strengthen the full coverage of intelligent monitoring, and strengthen the supervision of medical security funds。We will implement the policy of subsidizing basic medical insurance for urban and rural residents for groups with special difficulties。Where conditions permit, localities can provide subsidies for the operation of village clinics, and implement social security benefits such as old-age security and medical insurance for village doctors by classification。We will improve the capacity of county-level nursing homes for the disabled and the level of centralized support in township and township nursing homes, and encourage the development of services such as day care and canteens for the elderly in villages where conditions permit。We will strengthen services for the convenience of the people and social work in towns and townships, and implement the project to upgrade comprehensive service facilities at the village level。We will improve the stratified and classified social assistance system and effectively guarantee the basic livelihood of rural people in need。Improve the care and contact system for grass-roots party members and cadres, and regularly visit empty nesters, left-behind children, and disabled people。We will improve the care and protection network for minors。

6. Improving rural governance with effective results

26. Strengthening community-level organizations in rural areas。Strengthen county-level party committees to grasp the responsibility of promoting villages, deepen the reform of the township management system, improve the unified command and coordination mechanism of township party committees, strengthen the construction of the leadership team after the centralized change of leadership in townships and villages, and comprehensively carry out training on the theme of rural revitalization for grass-roots cadres in rural areas。Continue to investigate and rectify weak and lax village party organizations。Give full play to the role of the first secretary in the village and the work team in promoting rural revitalization through party building。Improve the village-level important matters and major issues through the village party organization research and discussion mechanism, and fully implement the "four discussions and two public" system。We will carry out in-depth city and county inspections, strengthen grass-roots supervision, strengthen communication and cooperation between grass-roots discipline inspection and supervision organizations and village affairs supervision committees, and strengthen supervision over village cadres。Improve the rural governance system that combines autonomy, rule of law, and rule of virtue under the leadership of Party organizations, and promote grid management, digital empowerment, and refined services。We will promote the standardization of village committees。We will deepen trials and demonstrations of building a rural governance system。We will carry out innovative experiments in village-level consultation。We will promote the list system of village-level organizations for matters of autonomy in accordance with the law and matters of assistance to the government in accordance with the law, standardize the brand names and certification items of village-level organizations, and implement the "one table" system of basic information statistics at the village level to reduce the burden on village-level organizations。

(27) Innovating effective platform carriers for the construction of rural spiritual civilization。Relying on the New Era Civilization Practice Center, county-level financial media Center and other platforms to carry out targeted and mass publicity and education, and promote and practice core socialist values。In rural areas, we carried out innovative propaganda and education activities of "listening to the Party, feeling the Party's kindness, and following the Party"。We will explore specific ways to coordinate and promote the integrated development of spiritual civilization in urban and rural areas, and improve the national evaluation system for civilized towns and villages。We launched the rural revitalization program to empower the cultural industry。Integrate the resources of cultural activities to benefit the people, support farmers to spontaneously organize village songs, "village evening", square dance, fun sports games and other cultural and sports activities that reflect the interests of farming and farming。We will host the Chinese Farmers' Harvest Festival。We will strengthen the inheritance and protection of farming culture, and promote the protection and utilization of intangible cultural heritage and important agricultural cultural heritage。We will promote governance methods such as the points-based system, give full play to the role of village rules and conventions and family practices, promote pilot reform of rural marriage customs and reform of funeral and burial customs, and carry out special efforts to deal with prominent problems in key areas of changing customs and customs, such as high bride price and grand conduct。

28. Ensuring social security and stability in rural areas。We will promote the development of safe and law-based villages at a higher level。Create a number of "Fengqiao type police stations" and "Fengqiao type people's courts"。Carry out regular anti-mafia campaigns and continue to crack down on "village bullies"。Prevent the erosion and influence of evil forces and family and clan forces on rural grass-roots political power。In accordance with the law, we will severely crack down on prostitution, gambling and drugs in rural areas and illegal and criminal activities that infringe upon the personal rights of rural women and children。We will strengthen publicity and education on the rule of law in rural areas。We will strengthen community-level social psychological services and crisis intervention, and establish a one-stop mechanism for resolving diverse conflicts and disputes。We will strengthen religious work in rural areas。Coordinate the integration of emergency management and rural governance resources, accelerate the construction of rural emergency broadcast active release terminals, and guide the emergency transfer of personnel to avoid risk。We will investigate and address potential risks in rural transportation, fire protection, production safety, natural disasters, and food and drug safety, and crack down on illegal activities in rural areas such as the production and sale of fake and shoddy agricultural materials, illegal fund-raising, and telecom fraud。We will strengthen the capacity building of comprehensive agricultural administrative law enforcement。Community-level medical and health institutions will be responsible for disease prevention and control。We will improve the system of regular prevention and control of COVID-19 in rural areas, and strictly implement joint prevention and control and mass prevention and control measures。

Seventh, strengthen policy support and institutional innovation

29. Increasing investment in rural revitalization。We will continue to make agriculture and rural areas a priority in the general public budget, give greater priority to investment in agriculture and rural areas in the central budget, and strengthen the input responsibilities of local governments。We will strengthen assessment and oversight, and steadily increase the proportion of revenue from land sales used for agriculture and rural areas。We will support local governments in issuing government bonds for use in qualified rural revitalization projects。We will improve the quality of reserve projects for rural revitalization。We will strengthen performance-based budget management and oversight。

30. Strengthening financial services for rural revitalization。For local legal financial institutions with legal entities in the county, business in the county, and funds mainly used for rural revitalization, we will increase support for rural and small loans and rediscount, and implement a more favorable deposit reserve policy。We will support various financial institutions in exploring medium - and long-term credit models for agricultural and rural infrastructure。Accelerate the reform of rural credit cooperatives, improve the governance mechanism of rural credit cooperatives in provinces (autonomous regions), and steadily defuse risks。We will improve the statistical system for rural vitalization financial services, and carry out assessment and evaluation of financial institutions' services for rural vitalization。We will deepen the construction of the rural credit system and develop credit loans for rural households。We will strengthen rural financial literacy education and protect the rights and interests of financial consumers。We will actively develop agricultural insurance and reinsurance。We will improve the "insurance + futures" model。We will strengthen market-based risk sharing and compensation for agriculture-related credit, and give full play to the role of agricultural credit guarantee。

31. Strengthening the development of personnel for rural revitalization。Discover and train strategic scientists in the field of agriculture。The "Shennong Talents" program will be launched to accelerate the training of leading scientific and technological talents, young scientific and technological talents and high-level innovation teams。We will thoroughly implement the system of special experts for science and technology。We will implement the program for cultivating high-quality farmers, the "Head Goose" project for cultivating leaders in rural industry revitalization, the Action for promoting Rural Youth, and the Women's Action for rural revitalization。We will implement the preferential policy for open recruitment of grass-roots institutions in remote and difficult areas, carry out "targeted evaluation and targeted use" of professional and technical personnel at the grass-roots level below the county level, and control the total number and proportion of medium and senior professional and technical posts。We will improve the rural education system。We will improve the structure of disciplines and specialties, and support the operation of agriculture-related higher education institutions and vocational education。Training rural planning, design, construction, management professionals and local talents。Encourage local governments to introduce incentive policies for urban talents to go to the countryside to serve in rural revitalization。

32. We will implement key tasks in rural reform。The second round of land contracts will be extended for another 30 years after the expiration of the county pilot。We will consolidate and improve the achievements of the reform of the rural collective property rights system, explore ways to establish a system of supervision, management and service for rural collective assets, and explore ways to develop a new type of rural collective economy。We will prudently carry forward the trial reform of the rural housing land system, and standardize the registration of the ownership of integrated housing land。We will steadily and orderly put rural collective for-profit construction land on the market。We will promote mortgage financing of the right to use collective for-profit construction land。Pilot projects for comprehensive land improvement were carried out in an orderly manner in accordance with the law and regulations。We will deepen the reform of the collective forest rights system。We will improve the management system for the right to use state-owned agricultural land for reclamation。We will carry out trials to standardize rural property rights transfer and trading markets。We formulated an implementation plan for deepening rural reform for a new stage。

8. Uphold and strengthen the Party's overall leadership over the work of agriculture, rural areas and farmers

(33) Compaction comprehensively promotes the responsibility of rural revitalization。Formulate measures for the implementation of the rural revitalization responsibility system, clarify the responsibilities of all departments of the central and state organs to promote rural revitalization, and strengthen the fifth-level secretaries to grasp the responsibilities of rural revitalization。Provincial-level party and government leaders and leading cadres will be evaluated for the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy。We will improve the performance assessment system for city and county party and government leaders and leading cadres to promote the rural revitalization strategy, and encourage local governments to give appropriate incentives to cities and counties that rank high in the assessment, and conduct interviews with those that rank low and perform their duties poorly。We will implement the system of liaison points for Party committees and governments at all levels to be responsible for the revitalization of gay rural areas。Learn from and promote the experience of Zhejiang's "ten million project", and encourage local party committees and governments to carry out practical and effective activities such as on-site observation, exchange and learning。A summary evaluation of the implementation of the Strategic Plan for Rural Revitalization (2018-2022) was carried out。We will strengthen the centralized training of leading party and government officials at all levels after the election, especially those in charge of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" work。

(34) Strengthening the Party's rural work institutions。The rural work leading group of the Party Committee at all levels should play the role of leading, coordinating and coordinating the work of "agriculture, rural areas and farmers", and assume the responsibility of consolidating and expanding the achievements of poverty alleviation and comprehensively promoting the coordination of rural revitalization discussions。We will promote the standardization and institutionalization of deliberations and coordination among leading groups for rural affairs of Party committees at all levels, establish and improve the mechanism for the implementation of key tasks, and coordinate efforts to promote rural revitalization。We will strengthen the construction of the office of the rural work leading group of the Party Committee at all levels, enrich the work force, improve the operation mechanism, and strengthen the responsibilities of decision-making staff, overall coordination, policy guidance, promotion of implementation, supervision and inspection。

35. We carried out all-round rural revitalization with a focus on all aspects。We will carry out the demonstration of "100 counties, thousands of townships and thousands of villages" for rural revitalization, adopt the method of first creation and then identification, and create a number of demonstration counties, demonstration towns and demonstration villages for rural revitalization at different levels。We will promote the establishment of agricultural modernization demonstration zones。We will extensively mobilize social forces to participate in rural revitalization, and further promote the "10,000 enterprises to revitalize 10,000 villages" action。A commendation and incentive system for rural revitalization will be established in accordance with regulations。

Let us closely unite around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, do real work, work hard, strive to create a new situation in comprehensively promoting rural revitalization, and take concrete actions to meet the victory of the Party's 20th Congress!